Monday, October 1, 2012

My First Time Market Sale 人生第一次市集賣會

After I opened my shop at Etsy, I was stumbled upon a chance to participate in an open market sale. At first, I was hesitated to join, as worried that my products have no market, worried that I might not have what it takes to become a real seller, worried that I can't come up with enough numbers of product to be sold. However, after discuss with hubby and think it through again, I think I should give it a try if I would like to make my hobby into a real business. (Besides, there is an early participate discount too for the fee! ^_^)

自從在Etsy開了我的網路商店後,偶然的遇上了一個參加開放市場的機會。起初,我猶豫是否該參加,因為擔心我的產品沒有市場,也擔心我並沒有條件成為真正的賣主,同時也擔心不可能在預期內完成足夠的成品。然而,在與老公談論并且再反覆思考後,我覺得若想要把我的嗜好變成一個生意, 就應該要試一試。(此外,提早參與還有優惠價呢! ^_^)

So finally, I decided to join this Minikins Market which was held in San Jose on Sep 30.

結果, 我就決定參與9月30日在San Jose舉行的Minikins Market了。

From the day I registered till the actual day, there was a 2 months period for me for preparation. Originally my target was to crochet 60 amigurumis, which means one a day, but then found that it was kind of mission impossible for me, as I'm not a fast crocheter, and, to design, it took some time too. So at the end, I was managed to complete a total of 39 amigurumis for my market sale. (And it could be more if not due to the pain on my wrist and fingers after days after days of full-time crochet. Salute to those who can do it everyday!)

從報名到真正的那天, 總共有兩個月的時間給我做準備。本來我的目標是鉤出60只鉤織娃娃的, 那表示一天做出一個, 可是後來發覺這對我是太天方夜譚了, 因為我的動作不快, 加上要設計也需要時間。結果到最後, 我成功鉤了39只娃娃。(如果不是因為連日連夜的鉤織導致手腕和手指疼痛, 應該可以更多的。在此非常敬佩那些可以每天不停手的高人!)

Finally, the day has come!
The market was held in a hall, with around 50 (I guess) sellers, some were like me selling own product, while some were selling pre-loved items.

終於, 那一天到來了!
這一次的開放市場在一個大廳內舉辦, 大約有50個賣主參與(我猜啦), 有些就像我這樣有自己的產品, 有些則是販賣二手貨.

Since I'm a first-timer, I didn't really know how to decorate my table, and really not good in making sales, haha~
Luckily with the help of my outgoing hubby, able to improve a bit, and finally, I've sold out 9 amigurumis, although only a fraction of my total, but able to get some good feedback from the customers that my amigurumis are cute, so for that, it was a great success!

由於我是第一次參與, 所以並不太懂得裝飾我的檔口, 而且也不太會銷售, 哈哈~
還有有我那外向的老公幫忙, 總算進步一點點, 而最後成功賣出9只娃娃, 雖然只是總數的一小部分, 但是由於得到滿好的回響, 說我的娃娃很可愛, 所以就此來說, 已經是大大成功了!

Although it was kind of fun for joining this kind of open market, but I don't think I'll do it frequently as it was really a hard-work task for my hands, not worth it if it hurts them and cost me a big medical bill, haha~

雖然參與這類型的市集還滿好玩的, 可是我想我應該不會常常參加, 因為這對我的雙手是一份苦差啊, 我可不想因此而弄傷它們而花上大筆醫藥費呢, 哈哈~


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Monday, July 16, 2012

Grand opening of my Etsy shop: amilovers ~ 新張營業!

After the encouragement from friends and family on the crafts that I've made, finally I've set up and opened my first ever online shop through Etsy - amilovers, selling the toys/dolls (amigurumi) I've crocheted stitch by stitch by myself!

I'm so excited about it and hopes to see some customer flows coming in soon, wish me luck!

經過一直以來朋友和家人對於我的手作的鼓勵與支持, 我終於通過Etsy開始了我人生第一間的網路商店 - amilovers, 賣出由我親手一針一目縫製的娃娃!

對此心裡非常興奮, 也希望不久的日子裡就可以看到源源不絕的客戶(哈, 好貪心喔!), 祝我成功吧!

amilovers @ Etsy

Welcome to visit/like my Facebook page too, just click on the link on the left or this link below:

也歡迎大家光臨我的面子書頁面, 只需點擊右邊的連結, 或以下的網址:

amilovers @Facebook

Follow me on Twitter @amiloverscwy
請在推特跟蹤我吧 @amiloverscwy 
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Friday, June 15, 2012

Amigurumi Piggy Memo Clip 豬豬便條夾鉤織娃娃

From the crochet book on Teddy Bear, there is a pattern on a lying dog memo clip which I've always wanna to try, but I have not able to get the suitable clip to be used, so in turn I substitute with a smaller hair clip, and modified the design from doggie to piggie, which will be less complicate, just to try out how things turn out if using a smaller clip.

在<就愛新歡泰迪熊Teddy>裡, 有一款趴趴狗便條夾的鉤織圖是我一直想嘗試的, 可是一直沒找到合適的夾子, 於是我就用較小的髮夾替代, 然後更改了設計, 从趴趴狗改成比較簡單鉤織的趴趴豬, 想說先試試看用小夾子的效果.

The crochet part of this memo clip was easy, the hardest part would be attaching the clip to the mouth of the piggy. Since the clip is small so I have to tie it at the center part so it won't shifted, but the length of it was much longer than the mouth, so half of the clip has to be stuffed into the head part. And this clip has a narrow surface, not like the wide surface of the clip used in the original design, so after the clip has been installed into the head, it was not able to press open the clip, however, it is still able to slip any name card or memo pieces into the mouth without falling out.

這個便條夾的鉤織部分蠻簡單, 艱難的是把夾子系在嘴巴的部分. 由於夾子蠻小, 所以必須把它綁在中間以防移位, 可是它的長度卻超出嘴巴的部分, 只好把長出的夾子藏身於頭部. 同時由於這是個窄夾子, 不像原本設計中使用的寬面夾子, 所以當安裝好在頭部裡面後, 並沒有辦法把它按開, 可是, 還是可以輕易的把名片或便條紙塞進嘴巴而不掉落.

Although this is not consider a successful attempt, the big piggy head and nose are still adorable.

雖然這不算是個很成功的嘗試, 可是它那個豬大頭豬大鼻卻還是滿可愛嘀.

I've given away this piggy as a gift to my friend in Taiwan, together with her mate - the Bee Piggy. I believe the new owner will treat them very well!
我把這個豬豬便條夾送給了一位遠在台灣欣賞它的主人, 同時還給它做了個伴呢 - 蜜蜂豬豬. 我相信你們的新主人會對你們很好的!

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