Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blissful Color Top 彩虹背心

看上了Lion Brand網頁上的一個圖樣 - Blissful Blue Top, 照片上模特兒穿上真是好看, 雖然我知道我穿上一定沒有千萬分之一好看, 但是覺得套上一件小外套配搭應該不錯的, 所以就決定動手了.

Found a pattern from the Lion Brand's website - Blissful Blue Top, this top looks nice on the model in the photo, although I believe if I wear it, it won't be even close to the beauty of that, but it should be not bad if pair with a cardigan, so I decided to make it.

我沒有使用圖樣指示的毛線, 而換成了之前網上折扣買來的Amazing毛線, 而這種毛線比較細, 所以我自己稍微調整了行數和針目, 也加長了長度, 結果也只用了3卷毛線.

I didn't use the yarn stated in the pattern, instead, I used the Amazing yarn which I bought some time ago online with a discount, this type of yarn is a little thinner, so I have to slightly adjusted the row and stitch numbers, and added some length to it, anyhow, I ended up using only 3 balls of yarn.

由於我沒有百分百專注看圖樣, 所以在前面蕾絲圖樣那塊, 出了小小錯誤, 而且還是我完成了左半片後才發覺, 不過還好不影響整體感. 我的錯誤在於應該每4行才做一次的邊緣麻花圖樣, 我卻每兩行就重複了, 既然錯了一半, 就得把另一半也錯下去了, 哈~

Since I didn't pay full attention to the pattern, so I made a mistake on the lace pattern part of the front, and I found that out only after I finished the left front piece, but luckily it did not affect the overall view of it. The mistake I made was at the cable pattern on the edge, it supposed to be repeated every 4th row, but I did it every 2 rows, and since I've completed half, so I've to continue the mistake for the other half, haha~


Mine with colors looks totally different from the plain color of the original, right?

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