Friday, January 27, 2012

Amigurumi Sackboy 小小大星球鉤織娃娃

Although I'm not a fans of gaming, but the look of this little fellow - Sackboy, is just too cute to be ignored.

雖然我不是一個電玩愛好者, 但是這個小小大星球娃娃的樣子, 真是可愛得沒辦法忽視.

Found this free crochet pattern of the Sackboy shared by Nerdigurumi, can't wait to make it.

網上找到Nerdigurumi分享的免費Sackboy的鉤織圖樣, 迫不及待的動手製作.

Little Big Planet Sackboy - with Pattern

During the process, I found some confusing part on the eyes and also the stitches count, and thank you so much for Nerdigurumi to answer my question which able to help me to complete it.

過程中, 我對於眼睛部位還有針數計算有點混淆, 但是多謝Nerdigurumi的回覆才讓我能夠成功完成.

For me, the hardest part was to sew on the zipper part, I've tried few times and finally had to accept the best out of the worst.

對我來說, 最難的就是縫上拉鍊的樣子, 嘗試了幾次, 最後只好接受最差中的最好作為結果了.

What do you think of my Sackboy?


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