Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amigurumi Bunny Latte 拿鐵小兔鉤織娃娃

終於, 我創始了我的第一隻鉤織娃娃圖樣, 拿鐵小兔 好開心, 好滿足~
以我的能力, 這已經是很大的進步了!

Finally, I've created my first ever amigurumi pattern, the Bunny Latte, I felt so happy and satisfy~
With my ability, this is consider a big improvement for me!

原本我的構思, 是想做一隻咖啡綿羊, 可是完成頭部和身體後, 覺得它更適合成為兔寶寶, 況且我也沒有鉤織過兔子, 就來一次嘗試吧.

My original idea was to make a coffee color sheep, but after I finish the head and body, I found it more suitable to be a little bunny, and since I've never made a bunny before, so decided to give it a try.

我以往的鉤織娃娃幾乎都是手腳瘦瘦的, 這一次的拿鐵小兔我就想要和愛睡綿羊寶寶類似的胖胖的手腳, 當然這個小兔的腳就比較長, 但是要有大腳板 (其實我還覺得我的這個腳板不夠大, 或許下次再改良).

Almost all my previous amigurumi having slim arms and legs, so for this Bunny Latte, I wanna something more plumpy, similar to the one in Sleepy Baby Sheep, of course this bunny's legs going to be longer, but with big feet (I think mine is still not big enough, maybe will make another better version next time).

一般的兔耳朵都是耳背一色, 耳洞就另一個淡色, 但是在我亂嘗試, 加上比較簡單的做法, 我覺得我這個段色耳朵還蠻特色的, 哈~

Normally, the bunny ears will have one color as the back, while another lighter color as the ear hole, but after I simply try, and also easier method, I think my block-color ear looks quite unique, haha~

我很高興我在網上買到了這個娃娃鼻子(還沒在店內看到過), 配上去比起縫上去好看多了.

I'm glad that I've bought the safety nose online (haven't seen any in store), it looks much better than sew-on.

當全部部位組合起來後, 我愛死了這隻拿鐵小兔了!
為甚麼叫拿鐵? 簡單嘛, 就因為它的咖啡和奶色毛線啊, 不就是拿鐵的原色嗎~

After assembly everything, I just love this Bunny Latte so much!
Why it is called Latte? Simple, just because of the coffee and cream color yarns, isn't that the original colors to create Latte~

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