Thursday, April 26, 2012

Amigurumi Snuggly Polar bear 軟軟北極熊鉤織娃娃

Last time when I bought the yarn for Baby Bear, I also bought a big ball of Bernat Pipsqueak which was on sell in Jo-Ann, very comfortable and soft white yarn, the weak point of this yarn is the fur kind of easy to pull off, and due to its texture, it is very hard to identify each stitch for crochet, so I just did it by instinct.

上次買毛線做泰迪熊寶寶時, 就同時買了一卷Jo-Ann在特價中的Bernat Pipsqueak毛線, 非常舒服又柔軟的白色毛毛線, 可是缺點就是毛毛比較容易脫, 而且也由於它的毛毛, 鉤織時很難看見針目, 只好憑感覺鉤.

This Snuggly Polar Bear also took me three days to finish, and the difference between this and Baby Bear, were the shape of the mouth piece and the length of the doll, and the hard part was to sew the nose.

這隻軟軟北極熊同樣也是花了我三天的時間完成, 和熊寳寳不一樣的是嘴型和娃娃長度, 還有比較難的是用毛線繡上鼻子的部分.

Since I used a different color of yarns, mine is totally different kind of bear than the Coffee Teddy Bear introduced in the book, I transformed it into a Polar Bear ^_^ I've added some length to its arms and legs, and widen its waist a bit, since I felt the original was a little too thin.

因為毛線顏色的差別, 我的這一隻和<就愛新歡泰迪熊Teddy>裡面所教的咖啡毛毛熊就完全不一樣總類了, 它的熊熊被我變成北極熊了, 哈~ 而且我也加長了它的手腳長度, 身體的寬度也給我稍微增肥了, 因為覺得原本的似乎太瘦了點.

The teddy in the book was having a scarf, so I've made one especially for my Polar Bear too. I've chosen bright pink and blue, looks very striking when wear around its white fur!

書上的毛毛熊有一條圍巾, 所以我也給我的北極熊量身訂做了一條. 選擇鮮豔的粉紅和藍, 圍在白色的毛毛上, 很出色呢!


Took a few photos for both Baby Bear and Snuggly Polar Bear together, and they seem to have a very close brotherhood feeling, don't you think so?

為熊寶寶和軟軟北極熊一起拍了幾張相片, 它們看上去就像感情很要好的哥兒們呢, 你們覺得呢?

Now available to be purchased at Etsy!
現在可以通過Etsy購買這只熊熊喔! Pin It Now!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Amigurumi Baby Bear 熊寶寶鉤織娃娃

Few days ago I finally received the crochet books I've ordered through a Taiwanese online store 'Books.Com.Tw', and one of those that I'm really looking forward, is this book on crocheting teddy bears (no English version available), those teddy bears shown in the book look so cute, and all are just make by crochet, the patterns also look understandable, so the next day I received the book, I started making one.

前幾天剛收到從台灣博客來訂購的鉤織書本, 其中讓我最期待的, 就是這本<就愛新歡泰迪熊Teddy>, 裡面的熊熊看起來都很可愛, 而且都只是用鉤針就能夠做出來的, 鉤織圖樣看上去也沒有很難, 書到後的第二天, 就立即動手開工了.

Since I've never had any attempt in making a teddy, so I wanna to first try a basic teddy model, the one I selected was featured on the cover of the book, the Little White Teddy.

想說沒有嘗試過織泰迪熊, 所以就選擇了比較基本款的熊熊開始, 被選上的就是封面上的白色皮皮熊~

The book was published in Taiwan, and I was not sure about the yarn specified in the book, so I selected the Patons Divine, a soft mohair look yarn in Soft Earth color, and did not checked the gauge, I was thinking that the worst of it will only affect the size of the teddy, which turned out to be a little mistake here, I'm not sure whether is the yarn caused the height seemed shorten or the width seemed widen, my teddy's head seems not as round as the one shown in the book, and the body also seems smaller, but luckily, the final look of the teddy bear is still adorable~

由於該書是台灣出版, 所以書上註明的毛線總類我不太清楚, 所以我就自己選擇了Patons Divine, 大地色的毛毛線, 也沒有去檢查標準尺寸, 想說頂多只是娃娃大小的差異而已, 結果果然有影響. 不知道是高度縮短了還是寬度加長了, 我的泰迪熊的頭部似乎沒有書本上的圓, 身體也比原版的小. 不過還好的是, 做出來的成品還是很可愛嘀~

The furry and yet thin body, is so comfortable to hug, and it looks just as lovable as a little baby~

熊熊毛毛卻嬌小的身體, 抱起來很舒服呢, 看上去就如小小貝比那般惹人疼愛, 哈~

The tiny-tee was borrowed from another bear friend 小小T是從其他熊熊借穿的

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Amigurumi Amineko Cat 貓貓鉤織娃娃

Recently I was searching online for some crocheting books which teaches the pattern on cute amigurumi, I mean really cute one, so I came across this book <Hello My Name is Amineko: The Story of a Crafty Crochet Cat>, which this interesting kitty has so many expressions and body language. However, since there is only one pattern of kitty, and the price of the book is not cheap, so I just let it go. But who knows by accident, I found out that there is free pattern available online for this kitty (**copyrights are reserved by Nekoyama**), so happily I've made one Amineko for myself~

最近在網上想要找尋一些專門教導製作可愛鉤織娃娃的書本, 我是想找真的真的很可愛的那種, 結果找到這本<養一隻編織貓>, 裡面的那隻有趣貓咪真是多表情和肢體語言啊. 可是由於只有一種貓咪的圖樣, 而且書本價錢不算便宜, 所以就略過了. 誰知無意中卻讓我在網上找到這個貓咪的免費圖樣(**版權屬於Nekoyama**), 當然就很開心的做了一隻給自己.

Amineko Cat 編織貓
(This is a Japanese website, the pattern link located on the right under the name "pattern of crocheted Cat with diagram (Amineko)", click on it will open a new page, then click on the same name again will bring you to the pattern page with detail steps.)
(這是一個日本網站, 製作圖樣的網址在該網頁的右邊, 名為"pattern of crocheted Cat with diagram (Amineko)", 點擊後會打開新頁面, 再點擊同樣的名稱, 就會去到有詳細步驟的製作圖樣.)

The steps aren't difficult, but I'm not sure why the Amineko that I've made, looks more alike to Pink Panther (but only mine in gray instead of pink), although I followed exactly the same steps, I guess maybe sometimes the stuffing and placing of each parts will contribute to the "make-over".

製作的步驟並不難, 可是我不了解為甚麼我的編織貓, 卻看起來像是粉紅豹(只是我的是灰色而不是粉紅色), 雖然我完全根據一樣的步驟, 我猜或許有時填充棉花和縫合各個部位時也會帶來"改造"吧.

Learn some tricks from the book on posing the cat for photo shooting~


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Amigurumi Cutie Tarts Cellphone Straps 可愛毛線水果塔吊飾

That day I was flipping through my stack of books on knitting and crocheting, and found this book <So Sweet>, immediately attracted by the cute and colorful dessert on the cover, wonder why I did not make anything from the book after I've got it for so long, and so my craving for crocheting amigurumi started again, and I believe such a small dessert will not take me a long time to finish one.

那天翻動我那堆棒針鉤針的書本, 看到這本<鉤織甜點>, 就被封面上可愛彩色的俏皮甜點所吸引, 還蠻奇怪為何買了那麼久卻還沒動手做個書內的作品, 於是鉤織毛線娃娃的癮又開始犯上, 小小一個點心, 相信不一會兒就可以完成一個的.

The project that attracted me, was different kind of fruit tarts.
The first one I've made was peach tart, layered with white and yellow peach slices, topped with two tiny mint leaves. Since the yarn colors I've used were not striking enough, and made it feel so tasteless, so I added a little raspberry between the mint leaves. Now it looks lovely~

被我看上的, 是各種各樣的水果塔.
第一個動手做了桃子塔, 塔面鋪上白桃和黃桃片, 中間兩片小小薄荷葉. 由於我使用的毛線顏色沒有很出色, 所以覺得有點黯淡無味, 於是就在薄荷葉上加了顆小小覆盆子. 現在看起來就可愛啦~

The second one was the bright red color strawberry tart, of course layered with multiple strawberry, and a tiny mint leaves for decoration. This is my favorite amigurumi tart~

第二個製作的是鮮紅色的草莓塔, 當然就鋪上數顆草莓, 和小小薄荷葉點綴.這是我最喜歡的毛線塔~

The following two were combination of my own design with the existing pattern in the book, the green tea cream tart and tangy lemon tart.
The green tea cream tart was topped with a big strawberry on vanilla mousse, and mint leaves decoration, on the macha flavor cream.
The tangy lemon tart was topped with two slices of oranges with side of vanilla mousse and mint leaves.

接下來的兩個是結合我個人的創意和書上的圖樣, 創造出來的綠茶奶油塔和酸甜檸檬塔.
綠茶奶油塔擺著一顆大草莓於香草克林姆上, 以薄荷葉裝飾, 鋪在抹茶口味的奶油上.
酸甜檸檬塔呢則擺上兩片柳丁片, 同樣以香草克林姆和薄荷葉裝飾.

During this leisure afternoon, which one do you prefer for your tea time?

在這個悠閒的午後, 你想要享用那一種當下午茶呢?

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Amigurumi Juicy Tomato 香甜毛線番茄

昨天下午無聊一邊看連續集一邊翻看<Amigurumi Knits>, 就決定動手做一顆不太費神的毛線番茄.

While flipping through the <Amigurumi Knits> while catching up a drama series on yesterday boring afternoon, decided to knit an amigurumi tomato.

這顆假番茄步驟很簡單, 不一會兒就完成了. 接著給我塞得滿滿後, 一顆又大又香甜的毛線番茄就完成了, 你想吃嗎?

The steps for this fake tomato were very easy, just take a short while will do. After my super stuffing, a big and juicy amigurumi tomato was done, wanna take a bite?

Between the real and the fake... 真假之間...

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Amigurumi Garden Snail 田園毛線蝸牛

最近在圖書館借了一本毛線娃娃的圖樣本 <Amigurumi Knits>.
對我來說這一種毛線娃娃和我以往的不一樣, 因為是用棒針織出來的, 而不是鉤針鉤的, 所以是一個新嘗試.

Recently I borrowed a pattern book on amigurumi from the library, <Amigurumi Knits>.
For me, this type of amigurumi is different from the previous one I've made, as this was made by using knitting needles, instead of crochet hook, so it's a new thing to me.

這本書上介紹的圖樣都好生動, 幾乎可以以假亂真, 但是對於新手的我, 當然只是嘗試一些比較簡單的款式了. 第一個看上的款式, 就是這個田園蝸牛了.

The patterns introduced in this book looks so real, even can trick with the real thing, but for a newbie like me, of course will start with something simpler. The first pattern I'm attracted to, was this garden snail.

根據圖樣指示, 貝殼的毛線顏色主要為藍色系列, 而肉身則為橘色. 而我則在我的毛線堆裡, 湊出可以配搭的顏色, 就動工了.

According to the pattern, the color for the shell supposed to be blue series, while the mantle in orange. But for me, I just pull out the colors from my stack of yarns, and start knitting.

我個人覺得它的步驟不難, 但是照片不多, 因為有一些地方如果有照片提示會更容易了解的, 而我在這些地方就只好自己猜測, 還好沒有猜錯, 不然就得拆掉重來.

I personally think that the steps aren't that hard to follow, but lack of photos, as there are some steps that could be helpful if a photo is provided, so whenever I'm at those steps I've to guess, and luckily my guesses are right, if not I'll have to start over again.

可能是我貪心, 我都喜歡把內餡塞滿滿的, 結果我的蝸牛身體胖鼓鼓的, 害我在想若把它弄道法式田螺應該非常多肉. =P

Maybe I'm a bit greedy, as I like to stuff the amigurumi very full, ended up my snail's mantle quite round and fat, make me think that if it was to cook as a French dish escargot, it sure will be quite filling. =P

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Blissful Color Top 彩虹背心

看上了Lion Brand網頁上的一個圖樣 - Blissful Blue Top, 照片上模特兒穿上真是好看, 雖然我知道我穿上一定沒有千萬分之一好看, 但是覺得套上一件小外套配搭應該不錯的, 所以就決定動手了.

Found a pattern from the Lion Brand's website - Blissful Blue Top, this top looks nice on the model in the photo, although I believe if I wear it, it won't be even close to the beauty of that, but it should be not bad if pair with a cardigan, so I decided to make it.

我沒有使用圖樣指示的毛線, 而換成了之前網上折扣買來的Amazing毛線, 而這種毛線比較細, 所以我自己稍微調整了行數和針目, 也加長了長度, 結果也只用了3卷毛線.

I didn't use the yarn stated in the pattern, instead, I used the Amazing yarn which I bought some time ago online with a discount, this type of yarn is a little thinner, so I have to slightly adjusted the row and stitch numbers, and added some length to it, anyhow, I ended up using only 3 balls of yarn.

由於我沒有百分百專注看圖樣, 所以在前面蕾絲圖樣那塊, 出了小小錯誤, 而且還是我完成了左半片後才發覺, 不過還好不影響整體感. 我的錯誤在於應該每4行才做一次的邊緣麻花圖樣, 我卻每兩行就重複了, 既然錯了一半, 就得把另一半也錯下去了, 哈~

Since I didn't pay full attention to the pattern, so I made a mistake on the lace pattern part of the front, and I found that out only after I finished the left front piece, but luckily it did not affect the overall view of it. The mistake I made was at the cable pattern on the edge, it supposed to be repeated every 4th row, but I did it every 2 rows, and since I've completed half, so I've to continue the mistake for the other half, haha~


Mine with colors looks totally different from the plain color of the original, right?

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