Monday, April 23, 2012

Amigurumi Baby Bear 熊寶寶鉤織娃娃

Few days ago I finally received the crochet books I've ordered through a Taiwanese online store 'Books.Com.Tw', and one of those that I'm really looking forward, is this book on crocheting teddy bears (no English version available), those teddy bears shown in the book look so cute, and all are just make by crochet, the patterns also look understandable, so the next day I received the book, I started making one.

前幾天剛收到從台灣博客來訂購的鉤織書本, 其中讓我最期待的, 就是這本<就愛新歡泰迪熊Teddy>, 裡面的熊熊看起來都很可愛, 而且都只是用鉤針就能夠做出來的, 鉤織圖樣看上去也沒有很難, 書到後的第二天, 就立即動手開工了.

Since I've never had any attempt in making a teddy, so I wanna to first try a basic teddy model, the one I selected was featured on the cover of the book, the Little White Teddy.

想說沒有嘗試過織泰迪熊, 所以就選擇了比較基本款的熊熊開始, 被選上的就是封面上的白色皮皮熊~

The book was published in Taiwan, and I was not sure about the yarn specified in the book, so I selected the Patons Divine, a soft mohair look yarn in Soft Earth color, and did not checked the gauge, I was thinking that the worst of it will only affect the size of the teddy, which turned out to be a little mistake here, I'm not sure whether is the yarn caused the height seemed shorten or the width seemed widen, my teddy's head seems not as round as the one shown in the book, and the body also seems smaller, but luckily, the final look of the teddy bear is still adorable~

由於該書是台灣出版, 所以書上註明的毛線總類我不太清楚, 所以我就自己選擇了Patons Divine, 大地色的毛毛線, 也沒有去檢查標準尺寸, 想說頂多只是娃娃大小的差異而已, 結果果然有影響. 不知道是高度縮短了還是寬度加長了, 我的泰迪熊的頭部似乎沒有書本上的圓, 身體也比原版的小. 不過還好的是, 做出來的成品還是很可愛嘀~

The furry and yet thin body, is so comfortable to hug, and it looks just as lovable as a little baby~

熊熊毛毛卻嬌小的身體, 抱起來很舒服呢, 看上去就如小小貝比那般惹人疼愛, 哈~

The tiny-tee was borrowed from another bear friend 小小T是從其他熊熊借穿的

Now available to be purchased at Etsy!
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